Monday, December 4, 2017

Final Android 7 1 Developer Preview is now going out Nexus 9 is getting it too

Today Google is releasing the second (and last) Developer Preview build for Android 7.1. The first one went out last month to the Huawei Nexus 6P, LG Nexus 5X, and the Pixel C. This time around, the HTC Nexus 9 is joining those three devices in receiving the beta software.

The factory images are already up for grabs from Googles special website, if you know how to deal with those. If not, the easy way is to join the Android Beta Program and then just wait for an over-the-air update to this preview build. That should arrive within a week. The build number is NPF26F for all devices except the Pixel C, which has NPF26H.

This is Android 7.1.1 Nougat were talking about here, and the final release of this version will be out in December. It will make its way to Googles Pixel and Pixel XL, but also to "the full lineup of supported devices", which according to the companys initial report in Octobe r includes the Pixel C, Nexus 5X, 6P, 6, 9, Nexus Player, and certain Android One handsets.

Android 7.1.1 isnt going to come with huge updates, as its versioning strongly implies (and also the fact that its still called Nougat). It does bring with it support for image keyboards, circular launcher icons, enhanced wallpaper metadata, some new APIs for calling apps, and app shortcuts (which give you options when you long-press on an app in your launcher).


! ( hope useful)

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